Parent Admin/Coaches

NCSA Coaching Checklist Spring 2022

  • By Tuesday prior, check the team availability for the upcoming weekend. Reach out to those who have not updated their players availability.
  • Do you think you need players?  Contact the board member from your town if you think you will short players.
  • Have you updated your matchday form?  Any players playing from a different team must be added with card #.
  • Have you reached out to your next opponent to check in about uniform color and any nuance about the field location?  All opponent contact is available at
  • Have you talked with your trainer just to double check they are all good for the game.
  • Do you have any players playing with  you from other teams or reserves? Do they have a uniform?  Do they know where the game is?  Do you have their player card?
  • Do you have ALL of your player and coaches cards? Players will not be allowed to play without them (Double and yes, Triple check)
  • Are you the first game at the home field?  If so, you need to get it set up with flags and sand bags and goals.
  • Are you the last game?  Please be sure to field is clean